
Issue Title
Vol 40, No 1 (2012) Daily settlement of Cancer crab megalopae in a microtidal estuary Abstract  PDF (Español (España))
Luis Miguel Pardo, Paulo Mora-Vásquez, José Garcés-Vargas
Vol 50, No 4 (2022) Acute toxicity of diuron and glyphosate in megalopae of Callinectes sapidus from the Jamapa River Estuary, Veracruz Abstract  PDF
Sergio Cházaro-Olvera, Daniela Michel Solorzano-López, Jesús Montoya-Mendoza, María del Refugio Castañeda-Chávez, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso
Vol 42, No 2 (2014) Environmental factors influencing the distribution of three species within the genus Persephona Leach, 1817 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Leucosiidae) in two regions on the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil Abstract  PDF
Rafaela T. Pereira, Gustavo M. Teixeira, Giovana Bertini, Paloma A. de Lima, Carlos E.R.D. Alencar, Vivian Fransozo
Vol 38, No 3 (2010) Shallow-water anomuran and brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) from southern Bahia, Brazil Abstract  PDF
Alexandre O. Almeida, Gabriel B. G. Souza, Guisla Boehs, Luis Ernesto A. Bezerra
Vol 38, No 2 (2010) Redescription of the fiddler crab Uca spinicarpa Rathbun, 1900 (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) Abstract  PDF (Español (España))
Luis Arruda Bezerra, Petrônio Alves Coelho
Vol 42, No 3 (2014) Austinotheres angelicus (Lockington, 1877): the correct name for the symbiotic crab Juxtafabia muliniarum sensu Cabrera-Peña et al. (2001) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Pinnotheridae) Abstract  PDF
Ernesto Campos, Rita Vargas-Castillo
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