
Issue Title
Vol 39, No 1 (2011) Is it possible to go whale watching off the coast of Peru? A case study of humpback whales Abstract  PDF
Aldo S. Pacheco, Sebastián Silva, Belén Alcorta
Vol 51, No 4 (2023) Morphological characterization of blood cells in Amazon River dolphin Inia geoffrensis: a case study Abstract  PDF
Tania Suarez-Yana, Paulo Colchao-Claux, Jeffrey C. Mangel, Elizabeth Campbell, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto
Vol 42, No 4 (2014): Special Issue:Oceanography and Marine Resources of Oceanic Islands. Marine mammals of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) and Salas y Gómez Island (Motu Motiro Hiva), Chile: a review and new records Abstract  PDF
Rodrigo Hucke-Gaete, Anelio Aguayo-Lobo, Sebastián Yancovic-Pakarati, Marcelo Flores
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