First records of pelagic polychaetes in southern Chile (Boca del Guafo - Elefantes Channel)

Marcela Bilbao, Sergio Palma, Nicolás Rozbaczylo



Pelagic polychaetes collected at 29 oceanographic stations in the southern channels of Chile between Boca del Guafo and Elefantes Channel (spring 1998, summer 1999) were analyzed. Seven species of pelagic polychaetes were identified: Tomopteris planktonis Apstein, T. septentrionalis Steenstrup, Pelagobia longicirrata Greeff, Lopadorhynchus krohnii (Claparède), Maupasia caeca Viguier, Typhloscolex muelleri Busch, and Phalacrophorus pictus Greeff. Seven species were collected in spring and five in summer. All the identified species are cosmopolitan and were recorded for the first time in this sector of southern Chile’s interior waters. Maupasia caeca, Lopadorhynchus krohnii, and Typhloscolex muelleri are recorded for the first time in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and the southern distribution limit of Phalacrophorus pictus was extended to the coast of Chile.

Bilbao M, Palma S, Rozbaczylo N. First records of pelagic polychaetes in southern Chile (Boca del Guafo - Elefantes Channel). Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res.. 2017;36(1): 129-135. Available from: [Accessed 15 Mar. 2025].
Bilbao, M., Palma, S., & Rozbaczylo, N. (2017). First records of pelagic polychaetes in southern Chile (Boca del Guafo - Elefantes Channel). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 36(1), 129-135. Retrieved from: 15 Mar. 2025