The deep-sea shrimp fishery off Brazil (Decapoda: Aristeidae): development and present status

Rodrigo Dallagnolo, José Angel Alvarez Perez, Paulo Ricardo Pezzuto, Roberto Wahrlich



The development of a deep-sea fishery for aristeid shrimps off Brazil is reviewed from its early days in 2002. Descriptive data were collected by observers on board 75 directed fishing trips conducted in the study period, with a total of over 15,000 monitored trawls. An incipient fishing phase took place between November 2000 and October 2002, when aristeid shrimps were occasionally reported in the bycatch of operations mostly targeting the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi). After that, a directed fishery was established for these resources. All nine vessels involved in this fishery (one national and eight chartered) concentrated on 11 limited grounds between 700 and 800 m deep and 18ºS and 34ºS. The main species caught between November 2002 and May 2007 was the “carabinero” Aristaeopsis edwardsiana (456,710 kg), followed by the “moruno” Aristaeomorpha foliacea (121,497 kg), and then the “alistado” Aristeus antillensis (27,919 kg). The trawlers operate in conjunction, such that the total area of each fishing ground was swept at least twice. This harvest pattern substantially reduced “carabinero” catch rates from 14 kg hour-1 in the first sampled trimester to 4 kg hour-1 in the last. Despite the inferred biomass reduction of this species, the fishery has continued without a formal management plan.

Dallagnolo R, Alvarez Perez J, Pezzuto P, Wahrlich R. The deep-sea shrimp fishery off Brazil (Decapoda: Aristeidae): development and present status. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res.. 2017;37(3): 327-346. Available from: doi:10.3856/vol37-issue3-fulltext-5 [Accessed 23 Oct. 2024].
Dallagnolo, R., Alvarez Perez, J., Pezzuto, P., & Wahrlich, R. (2017). The deep-sea shrimp fishery off Brazil (Decapoda: Aristeidae): development and present status. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 37(3), 327-346. doi: