Potential of carapeba (Eugerres brasilianus) for aquaculture production

Emerson Carlos Soares, Andréa Guimarães-Paiva, Elton Lima-Santos, Simone Moreira-Pereira, Eduardo Santana-Santos, Erika Oliveira Almeida, Themis Jesus Silva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3856/vol44-issue4-fulltext-7


Eugerres brasilianus is an appreciated commercial species in the market of the northeastern region of Brazil. The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the diet, reproductive period, and management of carapeba in recirculating aquaculture systems. The fishes were caught with a gillnet at two different places near the São Francisco River mouth. The stomach content was analyzed according to the frequency of occurrence method, using the index of relative importance, assessing the degsubjectedree of stomach repletion. The reproductive period was established by determining the gonadosomatic index and gonad maturation stages. The behavior and management of the fish were observed in captivity when subjected to artificial diets in cultivation tanks. The striped carapeba is best feed at dusk, mainly Crustacea Amphipoda, Insecta Chironomidae and Crustacea Tanaidacea. The species has parceled spawning, which occurs from February to March and from July to September. There are morphological differences between males and females, especially in the urogenital papilla, size and color. In captivity, the best fish density was between 7 and 8 fish m/-3, showing a good rates of centesimal composition, adapting well to the supplied diet.

Soares E, Guimarães-Paiva A, Lima-Santos E, Moreira-Pereira S, Santana-Santos E, Almeida E, Silva T. Potential of carapeba (Eugerres brasilianus) for aquaculture production. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res.. 2017;44(4): 718-725. Available from: doi:10.3856/vol44-issue4-fulltext-7 [Accessed 23 Oct. 2024].
Soares, E., Guimarães-Paiva, A., Lima-Santos, E., Moreira-Pereira, S., Santana-Santos, E., Almeida, E., & Silva, T. (2017). Potential of carapeba (Eugerres brasilianus) for aquaculture production. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 44(4), 718-725. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3856/vol44-issue4-fulltext-7