Graduated from the School of Biology in Aquaculture. Santa National University, Peru
Graduated from the School of Biology in Aquaculture. Santa National University, Peru
Santa National University Peru
Teaching Researcher. Department of Biology, Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Santa National University. Chief of Ornamental Aquaculture Laboratory.
The aim was to determine the growth and survival of males of the Cryphiops caementarius shrimp fed with diets supplemented with common salt. Three experimental diets supplemented with 1, 2 and 3% of common salt and a control diet without common salt were used, with three replicates, respectively. Twelve aquariums (55 L) were used and six individual culture containers (284 cm2) installed in two groups of three levels were introduced into each one. In each culture, the container stocked a shrimp, and in total six shrimp per aquarium was randomly stocked. Seventy-two male shrimps (3.87 g in weight) were used. The experiment lasted 90 days. Results indicated that the diet supplemented with 2% of common salt favored the growth in weight of shrimp males, and it was only different (P < 0.05) with the diet with 3% common salt that caused slow growth in weight. Diets with common salt did not affect shrimp survival (P > 0.05).