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Mangel, Jeffrey C., Scientific Director of Pro Delphinus (Peru)
Mangel, Jeffrey C., PRODELPHINUS (Peru)
Mangel, Jeffrey C., -ProDelphinus, Lima, Perú -Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, Penryn, Cornwall, United Kingdom (Peru)
Mangel, Jeffrey C., ProDelphinus (Peru)
Mangel, Jeffrey C., Universidad Cientifica del Sur, Facultad de Biologia Marina (Peru)
Mangel, Jeffrey C., ProDelphinus, Miraflores (Peru)
Manilal, Aseer, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli (India)
Manjarrés, Luis, Universidad del Magdalena (Colombia)
Manjunatha, Bangeppagari
Manolio Valladão Flores, Roberto, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Brazil)
Manrique-Ortega, Mayra D., Centro de Investigación en Corrosión, Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (Mexico)
Manríquez, Pablo, Universidad de Concepcion (Chile)
Manríquez-Santos, Teresa de Jesús, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (Mexico)
Mansano, Cleber F.M., Brazil University (UB) (Brazil)
Mansano, Cleber Fernando Menegasso, Brazil University (Brazil)
Mansilla, Andrés, Universidad de Magallanes (Chile)
Mansilla, Andrés, University of Magallanes & Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB) (Chile)
Mansilla, Miguel
Mansilla, Miguel, Centro de Anatomía Patológica Veterinaria (CAPAVET) (Chile)
Mantelatto, Fernando Luis, University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Mantelatto, Fernando, University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Mantelatto, Fernando L., Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)
Mantelatto, Fernando L., University of São Paulo (USP) (Brazil)

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