
Issue Title
Vol 43, No 4 (2015) Electrophoretic protein profiles of mid-sized copepod Calanoides patagoniensis steadily fed bloom-forming diatoms Abstract  PDF
Victor M. Aguilera, Rubén Escribano, José Martínez-Oyanedel
Vol 50, No 1 (2022) The effect of major nutrients in five levels of an f medium on growth and proximal composition of Thalassiosira weissflogii Abstract  PDF
Mario Martin Peraza-Yee, Otoniel Carranza-Díaz, José Francisco Bermudes-Lizárraga, Diana Judith López-Peraza, Mario Nieves-Soto, Martha Irene Millán-Almaraz
Vol 42, No 3 (2014) Effect of addition of Navicula sp. on plankton composition and postlarvae growth of Litopenaeus vannamei reared in culture tanks with zero water exchange Abstract  PDF
Yllana Ferreira-Marinho, Luis Otavio-Brito, Clarissa Vilela Figueiredo da Silva, Itala Gabriela Sobral dos Santos, Alfredo Olivera-Gàlvez
Vol 52, No 5 (2024) Role of Oxyrrhis marina as a key predator in regulating phytoplankton dynamics during red tide events of 2018-2019 in the San Jorge Bay, Antofagasta, Chile Abstract  PDF
Henry Cameron, Yanett Leyton, Carlos Riquelme
Vol 52, No 5 (2024) Effect of wavelengths on the growth and chemical-proximal composition of diatoms Amphora aff. amoena and Chaetoceros muelleri Abstract  PDF
María Luisa Juárez-Gómez, Corina Hayano-Kanashiro, Diana Fimbres-Olivarría
Vol 43, No 1 (2015) Response of microphytoplankton to the addition of nitrate and silicic acid in Chilean Patagonian fjords Abstract  PDF
Pamela Labbé-Ibáñez, José Luis Iriarte, Silvio Pantoja
Vol 39, No 2 (2011) Cryopreservation of the microalgae Chaetoceros calcitrans (Paulsen): analysis of the effect of DMSO temperature and light regime during different equilibrium periods Abstract  PDF
Joan Sebastián Salas-Leiva, Enrique Dupré
Vol 44, No 1 (2016) Production of phenolic compounds by four species of marine microalgae under different light conditions Abstract  PDF (Español (España))
José A. López, Ana L. Gómez, Armida Rodríguez, Judith Fortiz, Luis R. Martínez, Alejandro Apolinar, Luis F. Enríquez
Vol 39, No 3 (2011) Non-enzymatic antioxidant photoprotection against potential UVBR-induced damage in an Antarctic diatom (Thalassiosira sp.) Abstract  PDF
Marcelo Hernando, Gabriela Malanga, Susana Puntarulo, Gustavo Ferreyra
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