
Issue Title
Vol 52, No 3 (2024) Stochastic modeling of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) production in a Mexican tropical coastal lagoon using alternative stocking density management schemes Abstract  PDF
Magda E. Domínguez-Machín, Alfredo Hernández-Llamas, Álvaro Hernández-Flores, Miguel A. Vela-Magaña
Vol 50, No 2 (2022) Stressing stocking density and rearing time effect on whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) reared intensively in floating cages Abstract  PDF
Ángel I. Campa-Córdova, Carlos Angulo, Martha Zarain-Herzberg, Rosario Pacheco-Marges, Felipe Ascencio, María A. Guzmán-Murillo, Ana C. Sánchez-Ortiz, Alfredo Hernández-Llamas
Vol 52, No 2 (2024) Metabolic and immune status of Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei concerning farming conditions Abstract  PDF
Juan Pablo Apún-Molina, Arlett Robles-Romo, Takeo Matsumoto, Ilie S. Racotta
Vol 44, No 1 (2016) Effect of stocking density on growth performance and oxygen consumption of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under greenhouse conditions Abstract  PDF
Juan Fernando García-Trejo, Guillermo Abraham Peña-Herrejon, Genaro Martín Soto-Zarazúa, Adán Mercado-Luna, Oscar Alatorre-Jácome, Enrique Rico-García
Vol 42, No 1 (2014) The effect of stocking density on the transport of pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (Crustacea: Decapoda), as live bait for sport fishing in Brazil Abstract  PDF
Luciano Jensen, Plínio S. Furtado, Michelle M.S. Fugimura, Luciano O. Garcia, Luis H. Poersch, José R. Verani, Wilson Wasielesky Jr.
Vol 48, No 4 (2020) Effect of stocking density on growth, survival and condition factor in tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus Gill, 1863) juveniles Abstract  PDF
Leonardo Martinez-Cardenas, Miriam I. Hernández-Cortez, Daniel Espinosa-Chaurand, María R. Castañeda-Chavez, Andrés E. León-Fernández, Edna F. Valdez Hernández, Carlos E. Bernal Rodríguez, Carlos A. Álvarez-González
Vol 48, No 5 (2020) Stocking density and its influence on the productivity of red cusk eel, Genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848), in shallow raceways Abstract  PDF
Atle Foss, Albert K.D. Imsland, Felipe A. Briceño, Spartaco Magnolfi, Piero Magnolfi, Xavier Gutiérrez
Vol 49, No 2 (2021) Effect of stocking density of juvenile Arapaima gigas on rearing water quality hematological and biochemical profile, and productive performance Abstract  PDF
Daniel Paredes-López, Rizal Robles-Huaynate, Carmela Rebaza-Alfaro, José Delgado-Ramírez, U. Aldava-Pardave
Vol 47, No 2 (2019) Effect of stocking density on growth and survival of the prawn Macrobrachium tenellum, cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system Abstract  PDF
Guillermo Abraham Peña-Herrejón, Julieta Sánchez-Velázquez, Juan Fernando García-Trejo, Genaro Martin Soto-Zarazúa, Enrique Rico-García
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