Dynamic patterns of zooplankton transport and migration in Catuama Inlet (Pernambuco, Brazil), with emphasis on the decapod crustacean larvae

Ralf Schwamborn, Mauro de Melo Júnior, Sigrid Neumann Leitão, Werner Ekau, Maryse Nogueira Paranaguá

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3856/vol36-issue1-fulltext-10


The objective of this study was to quantify and to model zooplankton transport with emphasis on decapod crustacean larvae. Sampling was carried out at three depths with a plankton pump coupled to a 300-µm mesh. Current data were obtained with an ADCP. Our data showed the existence of vertically and horizontally heterogeneous current and transport fields. We identified 27 groups of Decapoda (larvae of Sergestidae, Porcellanidae, Upogebiidae, Caridea, Brachyura). Most of the species and larval phases showed characteristic vertical migration patterns, in phase with the diurnal tidal cycles, thus enhancing retention or export from the estuary

Schwamborn R, de Melo Júnior M, Neumann Leitão S, Ekau W, Nogueira Paranaguá M. Dynamic patterns of zooplankton transport and migration in Catuama Inlet (Pernambuco, Brazil), with emphasis on the decapod crustacean larvae. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res.. 2017;36(1): 109-113. Available from: https://lajar.cl/index.php/rlajar/article/view/vol36-issue1-fulltext-10/0 [Accessed 15 Mar. 2025].
Schwamborn, R., de Melo Júnior, M., Neumann Leitão, S., Ekau, W., & Nogueira Paranaguá, M. (2017). Dynamic patterns of zooplankton transport and migration in Catuama Inlet (Pernambuco, Brazil), with emphasis on the decapod crustacean larvae. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 36(1), 109-113. Retrieved from: https://lajar.cl/index.php/rlajar/article/view/vol36-issue1-fulltext-10/0 15 Mar. 2025