Broodstock conditioning, spawning and larval culture of Graus nigra (Philippi, 1887) (Kyphosidae: Girellinae)

Avelino Muñoz, Elio Segovia, Héctor Flores


In this study results related to reproductive conditioning, spawning and larval culture of Graus nigra ("vieja negra”, “mulata”) are given. Wild adult fishes were collected and used as brooders which at the end of the conditioning period reached gonadal maturation state and spawned naturally and spontaneously. Eggs were collected and after 36 hours of incubation they hatched at average rate of 60%. The hatched larvae measured 2.9 ± 0.23 mm and at day 50th post hatching (PE) reached a total length of 12.6 ± 0.37 mm. The larval survival after hatching was between 50.9-79.1%, and at day 30 PE it was 12.1%. Larval culture was developed in tanks supplied with filtered and sterilized seawater. After yolk sac reabsorption the digestive tract development occurs and larvae were fed with live foods enriched with highly unsaturated fatty acids emulsions. Then, at day 35th larvae were offered with artificial food with size progressively greater as ontogenetic development progressed. Anatomical evolution of larvae and morphometric relationships depicting its development is described. Larval growth pattern up to 50 days post-hatching is characterized. Aspects related to larval survival and the introduction of improvements optimizing larvae and juvenile production of this species are discussed.

Muñoz A, Segovia E, Flores H. Broodstock conditioning, spawning and larval culture of Graus nigra (Philippi, 1887) (Kyphosidae: Girellinae). Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res.. 2017;40(3): 584-595. Available from: doi:10.3856/vol40-issue3-fulltext-8 [Accessed 12 Mar. 2025].
Muñoz, A., Segovia, E., & Flores, H. (2017). Broodstock conditioning, spawning and larval culture of Graus nigra (Philippi, 1887) (Kyphosidae: Girellinae). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 40(3), 584-595. doi: