In Latin America snapper species have shown great potential for mariculture, including L. guttatus, but it is necessary to study physiological aspects regarding its production. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of temperature (24, 29 and 34°C) and salinity (15, 25, 35, 45) on the growth and survival of juvenile L. guttatus. All experiments were performed in a recirculation system with daily 300% change of water; in cylindrical 80 L tanks, and three replicates per treatment. 360 specimens were used for the experiments. Experiments were performed with 360 specimens. The results showed that there are differences (P < 0.05) in salinity-temperature interaction. The highest specific growth rate appeared in the treatment of 34°C and salinity of 15. The greatest gain in average body weight was obtained in the treatment of 34°C and salinity of 25. The longer survival was recorded in the treatment of 24°C and salinities of 15 to 35. The low salinity tolerance for this species found shows that L. guttatus has a high potential to grow in lagoon-estuarine systems of low salinity (15) and no more than 35.