Samples of fish organs (kidney and spleen) from the main salmonid species farmed in Chile were analyzed through the nested polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR) to detect the presence of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). The technique proved to be efficient and sensitive, allowing amplification of viral genetic material for sequencing directly from tissue, even from samples that could not be isolated in cell culture. The phylogenetic analysis showed the two genogroups previously described in the country, i.e., European (Genogroup 5) and American (Genogroup 1), being the IPNV that belong to Genogroup 5 the dominant one (78.8%). It is clear that the Chilean IPN viruses are clustered within the Genogroup 1 forming a sub-group that is separated from the reference strains (e.g., WB, VR-299), hence we propose its denomination as a Chilean genotype. Additionally, a statistically significant host-specific relationship was observed between the genogroups identified: viruses from Genogroup 5 were detected in Salmo salar, while the ones from Genogroup 1 were detected in Oncorhynchus mykiss or O. kisutch (P < 0.001). The association of this hostspecific relationship with the virulence can provide important information for the management and control of IPNV in Chile.