Ecuador Mundo Ecológico
Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
Biologist at the University of Guayaquil. Jodie has a vast experience in the aquaculture industry and since (2007) has been linked to the public sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in projects and management of coastal marine resources. Dynamic and determined in the achievement of its ideals in the field of conservation and protection of marine fauna in particular. He obtained his Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at the Scripps Oceanography Institute of the University of California San Diego UCSD, 2016. He currently alternates between the academic and marine-coastal projects.
Member of Prodelphinus
Clra works in research and conservation projects of endangered marine species, as well as turtles, sea otters, cetaceans, sea birds and sharks
Member of Pro Delphinus
Francisco works in research and conservation projects of endangered marine species, as well as turtles, sea otters, cetaceans, sea birds and sharks
Ejecutive Director
Ecuador Mundo Ecologico
Robert has more than 20 years of experience in the industrial and artisanal fisheries of Ecuador, Robert knows very well the national fishing problem and he has worked in more than 250 fishing ports along the Ecuadorian coast. Linked to the conservation and preservation of marine species and the environment since 2008.
CLES Teaching Lab Assistant at University of Exeter
United Kingdom
CLS Traching Lab Assistant at University of Exeter
President of Pro Delphinus (Peruvian NGO)
Joanna is currently the Director of ProDelphinus. Joanna has been fully committed to conservation since her early years working as a field researcher at fishing ports along the Peruvian coast. Joanna obtained her PhD in 2012 from, the School of Biosciences at the University of Exeter , United Kingdom. She also teaches conservation biology at the Faculty of Marine Biology, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima. Joanna is a Member of the IUCN Marine Turtle Specialist Group, and is Sectorial Representative of the Consultative Committee of the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles.
Scientific Director of Pro Delphinus
Jeffery Mangel has worked with ProDelphinus since 2003 as the Scientific Director. He is also an Assistant Professor in the Facultad de Biologia Marina at Universidad Cientifica del Sur and an Associate Researcher with the Centre for Ecology and Conservation at the University of Exeter. Jeff received a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Exeter in 2012. He also has a Masters of Environmental Management from Duke University (2003) and a Master of Science in Environmental Science from the SUNY College of Environmental Science(1997).
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