
Issue Title
Vol 51, No 1 (2023) A pilot tagging program on southern rays bream (Brama australis): methodology and preliminary recaptures Abstract  PDF
Rodrigo Wiff, Andrés Flores, Santiago Gacitúa, Carl R. Donovan, T. Mariella Canales, Mauricio Ahumada, Dante Queirolo
Vol 40, No 3 (2012): Special Issue, International Conference: Environment and Resources of the South Pacific Determination of factors affecting the bycatch of seabirds in Chilean pelagic longline fleet Abstract  PDF (Español (España))
Andrés González, Rodrigo Vega, María Ángela Barbieri, Eleuterio Yáñez
Vol 51, No 2 (2023) New records of Bramidae in Chilean waters: the sickle pomfret (Taractichthys steindachneri) and the rough pomfret (Taractes asper) Abstract  pdf
Alfredo Carvalho Filho, Rodrigo Wiff, Andrés C. Milessi, Andrés Flores
Vol 46, No 4 (2018) Mollusk freaks: new teratological cases on marine mollusks from the South Pacific Ocean Abstract  PDF
Felipe I. Torres, Christian M. Ibáñez, Víctor E. Sanhueza, M. Cecilia Pardo-Gandarillas
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