
Issue Title
Vol 51, No 2 (2023) Gross energy levels in practical diets for the Amazon river prawn postlarvae, Macrobrachium amazonicum Abstract  PDF
Eduardo Luis Cupertino Ballester, Lilian Dena dos Santos, Vanessa Piovesan, Izabel Volkweis Zadinelo
Vol 51, No 1 (2023) Variation of dietary protein/lipid levels used in postlarvae of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii cultured in a biofloc system Abstract  PDF
Ricardo Pérez-Velasco, Martha P. Hernández-Vergara, Carlos I. Pérez-Rostro, Carlos A. Frías-Quintana
Vol 50, No 2 (2022) Maximum critical temperature and oxygen consumption during thermoregulation in Macrobrachium americanum (Bate, 1868) adult prawns Abstract  PDF
Marcelo García-Guerrero, Noe Avilés-Espinoza, Glenda Lizarraga-Sanchez, Gabriel Herrera-Rodríguez, David Valdez-Martínez, Pedro Hernández-Sandoval
Vol 47, No 2 (2019) Effect of stocking density on growth and survival of the prawn Macrobrachium tenellum, cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system Abstract  PDF
Guillermo Abraham Peña-Herrejón, Julieta Sánchez-Velázquez, Juan Fernando García-Trejo, Genaro Martin Soto-Zarazúa, Enrique Rico-García
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