Issue |
Title |
Vol 45, No 3 (2017) |
Survival on the rocks: high bycatch in lobster gillnet fisheries threatens hawksbill turtles on rocky reefs along the Eastern Pacific coast of Central America |
Michael J. Liles, Alexander R. Gaos, Allan D. Bolaños, Wilfredo A. Lopez, Randall Arauz, Velkiss Gadea, José Urteaga, Ingrid L. Yañez, Carlos M. Pacheco, Jeffrey A. Seminoff, Markus J. Peterson |
Vol 40, No 3 (2012): Special Issue, International Conference: Environment and Resources of the South Pacific |
Adaptive management of marine protected areas in Chile: a method for his evaluation |
PDF (Español (España))
Andrés Guajardo, Claudia Navarrete |
Vol 43, No 3 (2015) |
Effectiveness of monitoring techniques employed to determine reproductive success of marine turtles in Cuba |
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Julia Azanza-Ricardo, José Luis Gerhartz-Muro, Yanet Forneiro Martín-Viaña, Félix Moncada-Gavilán |
Vol 45, No 3 (2017) |
Living on the Edge: Hawksbill turtle nesting and conservation along the Eastern Pacific Rim |
Alexander R. Gaos, Michael J. Liles, Velkiss Gadea, Alejandro Peña de Niz, Felipe Vallejo, Cristina Miranda, Jodie Jessica Darquea, Ana Henriquez, Eduardo Altamirano, Alejandra Rivera, Sofía Chavarría, David Melero, José Urteaga, Carlos Mario Pacheco, Didiher Chácon, Carolina LeMarie, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto, Jeffrey C. Mangel, Ingrid L. Yañez, Jeffrey A. Seminoff |
Vol 37, No 3 (2009) |
Seamounts of Nazca and Salas y Gómez: a review for management and conservation purposes |
PDF (Español (España))
Mauricio Gálvez-Larach |
Vol 44, No 3 (2016) |
Inhabiting fauna in holdfasts of Lessonia nigrescens complex. Is it an indicator of ecological integrity in exploited kelp beds in northern Chile? |
PDF (Español (España))
J.M. Alonso Vega Reyes |
Vol 45, No 3 (2017) |
Distribution, size range and growth rates of hawksbill turtles at a major foraging ground in the eastern Pacific Ocean |
Israel Llamas, Eric E. Flores, Marino E. Abrego, Jeffrey A. Seminoff, Catherine E. Hart, Rodrigo Donadi, Bernardo Peña, Gerardo Alvarez, Wilfredo Poveda, Diego F. Amorocho, Alexander Gaos |
Vol 42, No 4 (2014): Special Issue:Oceanography and Marine Resources of Oceanic Islands. |
Initial assessment of coastal benthic communities in the Marine Parks at Robinson Crusoe Island |
Montserrat C. Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Andreu-Cazenave, Catalina S. Ruz, Cristina Ruano-Chamorro, Fabián Ramírez, Catherine González, Sergio A. Carrasco, Alejandro Pérez-Matus, Miriam Fernández |
Vol 41, No 3 (2013) |
Zoning of the Mejillones Peninsula marine protected coastal area of multiple uses, northern Chile |
Raúl Ulloa, Adolfo Vargas, Cristian Hudson, Marcelo M. Rivadeneira |
Vol 45, No 2 (2017) |
Reproductive output of two benthic resources (Fissurella latimarginata and Loxechinus albus) under different management regimes along the coast of central Chile |
Miriam Fernández, Marta Blanco, Cristina Ruano-Chamorro, Maria Dulce Subida |
1 - 10 of 10 Items |