
Issue Title
Vol 46, No 1 (2018) Composition, density, and shell use of hermit crabs (Crustacea: Paguroidea) from subtidal boulder fields in southeastern Brazil Abstract  PDF
Daniel José Marcondes Lima, Douglas Fernandes Rodrigues Alves, Valter José Cobo
Vol 42, No 3 (2014) Distribution and feeding habits of three sea robin species (Bellator brachychir, Prionotus nudigula and Prionotus punctatus) in the Campos Basin, southeastern Brazil Abstract  PDF
Ricardo R.B. de São Clemente, Paulo A.S. Costa, Agnaldo S. Martins
Vol 42, No 2 (2014) Preliminary assessment of the jellyfish bycatch captured off southern and southeastern Brazil Abstract  PDF
Rafael Schroeder, Joaquim O. Branco, Felipe Freitas Jr., Charrid Resgalla Jr.
Vol 41, No 2 (2013): Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Congress of Marine Biology Group structure of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea, Delphinidae) in Ilha Grande Bay, Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil Abstract  PDF
Rodrigo Tardin, Carine Galvão, Mariana Espécie, Sheila Simão
Vol 41, No 2 (2013): Proceedings of the 3rd Brazilian Congress of Marine Biology Spatio-temporal variation in surf zone fish communities at Ilha do Cardoso State Park, São Paulo, Brazil Abstract  PDF
Jana Menegassi del Favero, June Ferraz Dias
Vol 44, No 5 (2016) Only two fisheries? Characteristics of the industrial bottom gillnet fisheries in southeastern and southern Brazil and their implications for management Abstract  PDF
Vanessa Mafra Pio, Paulo Ricardo Pezzuto, Roberto Wahrlich
Vol 42, No 3 (2014) Morphometric analysis of the mud crab Hexapanopeus paulensis Rathbun, 1930 (Decapoda, Xanthoidea) from the southeastern coast of Brazil Abstract  PDF
Thiago Elias Silva, Patrícia Bianca Fumis, Ariadine Cristine Almeida, Giovana Bertini, Vivian Fransozo
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